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Eye Infections Specialist

Eyes On Park

Optometrists located in Gramercy Park, New York, NY

Eye infections are one of the most common reasons that children and adults visit Eyes on Park for acute care. In the Gramercy Park area in New York City, skilled optometrist Irina Shiyan, OD, can diagnose eye infections and provide immediate treatment solutions. If your eyes hurt or you notice signs of an eye infection, call the office or schedule an appointment online now.

Eye Infections Q & A

What are eye infections?

Eye infections develop after bacterial, viral, or, in rare cases, fungal organisms reach your inner or outer eye. Some common eye infections, like conjunctivitis (pink eye) occur in both bacterial and viral forms. 

Eye infections usually develop when you accidentally transfer microscopic organisms by touch, for example, if you touch a dirty surface and then rub your eye. Any irritation or eye injury — even the smallest abrasion or scratch — can create an entry point for bacteria and other infection-causing organisms. 

Eye infections can also develop with a severe eye injury, chronic allergies, prolonged contact lenses wear, or chlorine exposure while swimming.

What symptoms do eye infections cause?

The symptoms of an eye infection may vary with the specific infection, but some common issues include:

  • Discomfort or pain
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Watering
  • Dryness
  • Discharge
  • Eyes "glued shut" when you wake up
  • Light sensitivity
  • Blurry vision
  • Eyelid bump

Many eye infections start suddenly and then worsen. If you have any of these symptoms, it's important to reach out for treatment at Eyes On Park as soon as possible. 

How are eye infections treated?

Eye infection treatment at Eyes On Park depends on the symptoms and the particular type of infection. 

Bacterial infections

With bacterial infections, antibiotic eye drops or oral antibiotics are usually the first-line treatment. These medications destroy the harmful bacteria and allow your eyes to return to normal very quickly, often in a matter of days. 

Viral infections

Antibiotics cannot treat viral eye infections. Many viral eye infections clear up on their own as your body fights them off. You can use methods like cool compresses and artificial tear solutions to soothe symptoms in the meantime. Some severe infections may require antiviral eye drops.

Fungal infections

Treatment of fungal eye infections can vary with the kind of fungus and the extent of the infection. You may need antifungal eye drops, oral antifungal medication, eye injections of antifungal medication, or, in the most severe cases, eye surgery. 

Along with your treatment, you may need to make some temporary changes such as wearing eyeglasses instead of contact lenses. 

Fortunately, most eye infections respond to treatment. If you take action immediately when you have eye infection symptoms, you can get back to normal quickly, and you won't run the risk of vision loss or permanent eye damage. 

Call Eyes On Park or book an appointment online to arrange your comprehensive eye exam now.